Junior Summer Intensive

During the Junior Summer Intensive, formerly the Youth Company Camp, beginner-intermediate dancers ages 10-15 will take classes Monday-Friday in styles such as: ballet, pre-pointe, pointe (for students enrolled in pointe class the previous school year), jazz, modern, musical theater, character, conditioning, dance history, nutrition, Pilates, repertory, tap, variations, stage makeup, and floor barre.


This program culminates with an in-studio performance at the end of the two weeks.


The Junior Summer Intensive gives dancers the opportunity to further their training during the summer and have their first experience of a full-day summer intensive. Classes run Monday-Friday from 9:30-4:30.

No audition is required! A minimum of three years of formal dance training are required to be able to participate.

This program is open to all students, even those not currently enrolled at the Auer Academy. We ask that you have a minimum of three years of formal dance training to participate.

For all currently enrolled Auer Academy students, please follow all standard uniform requirements for each dance style. 

For dancers who are not currently enrolled in the Auer Academy:



  • solid color leotard
  • full length pink tights
  • full sole pink leather ballet shoes
  • pointe shoes, if applicable



  • white t-shirt
  • black full length tights
  • full sole black leather ballet shoes


Questions? Please contact Raleigh Sparrow at rsparrow@fortwayneballet.org or call 260.484.9646 for information on what clothing is needed for this program.

For current Auer Academy students, tuition is $300.


For non Auer Academy students, tuition is $500 with a $250 nonrefundable registration fee that will count toward your total tuition.

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